United Kingdom

Oliver Udy & Colin Robins



Oliver Udy and Colin Robins are British photographers based in the South West of England. Both have a strong interest in Documentary practice, with Colin more focussed on Social Documentary, and Oliver more concerned with landscape. Udy and Robins collaborate on ARL.



ARL is a community based photographic project whose intentions are to produce an archive of material that reveals and documents continuities and shifts in patterns of contemporary rural life. The work explores ideas to do with the sense of both individual and collective experience within a shifting economic, social and cultural climate. The people and places in the portraits represent a more contemporary rural society, where, for example, changes to the nature of work and the increasing economic importance of leisure, culture and the arts mean that traditional ways of life in the countryside are slowly evolving. New work was generated in South West Finland during July 2014 to compliment the already established body of work from the South West of England.

For the 2013 exhibition David Chandler wrote:

“What emerges from these compelling photographs, beyond the simple force of character that is in itself often so disarming, is that each figure embodies an individual narrative, and a trace of local history, that builds over the images into a cross-section and a collective portrait of a new rural society.”