United Kingdom

Eleanor Whiteman



Eleanor Whiteman was born in 1979 in South Wales. After leaving school she graduated from the University of Southampton with a degree in Geology with Biology. Her interest in the natural world, past and present is something that continues to influence her work. In 2010 she graduated with a degree in Photography from the University of Brighton.


Tower Colliery

Tower Colliery is the only mine in the history of British Coal to have been bought by its workforce. It is unique. As the last deep mine in Wales, it's closure in 2008 marked the end of an era woven with hardship, oppression and tragedy. Despite this, the spirit of the Tower miners could not be broken and their story is ultimately about the strength of community spirit.
The space that remains is heavy with metaphor and the 'still lifes' within it have taken on an abstract narrative of their own. They ask us to look at the overlooked, the familiar, to ponder their significance.