News / 17 Aug 2016

Huw Alden Davies , 'Prince' in Where Will I Be

Following the publication launch Huw Alden Davies' Prince is currently on exhibition at Ffotogallery as part of their current exhibition entitled Where Will I Be. Exploring the lines of visual and written narrative, Prince combines these elements to create a detailed portrait that forms a dramatic, and often humorous study of the artist’s father, a by-product of a generation and his slanted views of the world. Arranged as a collection of photographs and short texts, Huw Alden Davies’ ‘Prince’ is a detailed and often humorous study of the artist’s father, a by-product of a generation and its slanted views of the world. The story unfolds in the village of Tumble, where Davies and his family still live. As the artist explains: “This project is not only an attempt to reconnect with this childhood notion, but to try and record and capture the essence of a man and his eccentricities. To document a side unknown to others and to explore the physiological or even cultural elements that inform the image that should have been my role model.” Where Will I Be features two Welsh photographers, Walter Waygood and Huw Alden Davies, whose work is rooted in the place they come from, the South Wales Valleys.

Huw Alden Davies
Born and raised in West Wales, photographer Huw Alden Davies received a BA First Honours Degree in Photography at the West Wales School of Arts, and studied his Masters Degree in documentary photography at Newport University of Wales. His work has been featured in a number of publications such as Portfolio, Blown, British Journal of Photography and CCQ magazine, and has been exhibited in a range of exhibitions around the UK and Europe. His work was included in The Valleys Re-Presented exhibition as part of Diffusion Festival: Cardiff International festival of Photography 2013, and also in the archives of both the National Museum of Wales, and The National Portrait Gallery, London. Davies continues to work as a documentary photographer, and exhibiting artist, while documenting his home village in his ongoing project, Tumble, based on the sense of place and cultural identity of a Welsh rural community. The Prince publication was published in October 2015.

Click Here to buy a copy of the publication.