News / 6 Mar 2014

Europa Re-Imagined Conference

The second European Prospects symposium ‘Europa Re-Imagined’ was hosted by Ffotogallery in Cardiff, 6-7 March 2014.

The event brought together lens-based artists and cultural professionals from all over Europe to discuss current trends in European photography and platforms for photographers to share and distribute their work. Christiane Monarchi, editor of Photomonitor chaired the morning panel discussion. The panel speakers were Marc Prüst, photography consultant and curator, Ángel Luis González Fernández, director and founder of PhotoIreland, and Malcolm Dickson, director of Streetlevel Photoworks. During the symposium they discussed current trends in publishing, the landscape of European photography festivals and new opportunities for lens-based artists. Documentation and outcomes from the symposium will be made available on the website.