News / 7 Nov 2018

European Prospects Artist, Nino Laisné’s Latest Project: Romances Inciertos, Another Orlando

Nino Laisné is not just an amazing artist but also a talented musician. His most recent project is the concert/recital, Romances Inciertos, Another Orlando, where he collaborates with choreographer and dancer, François Chaignaud to follow the life of Orlando, a 17th century courtier invented by author Virginia Woolf. The performance is currently on tour until 13th June 2019 in France.

Nino Laisné is credited with direction, musical direction and also co-creator of its conception, alongside Chaignaud.

Romances Inciertos is a musical journey through time, consisting of three acts and carried by a number of musicians who surround Laisné. François Chaignaud portrays the new Orlando through his flawless and exceptional choreography. Following this character's story, they cross through three centuries of traditional Spanish music and dance.

As the original Orlando transitioned between genders, Laisné and Chaignaud’s character also experiences their own journey of metamorphoses. This journey consists of three acts: firstly, the Doncella Guerrera, which follows the footsteps of a young girl disguised as a soldier at war; secondly, there is the San Miguel de Garcia Lorca who is a voluptuous archangel and devotional object; and finally, the Tarara, Andalusian gypsy who, after a disappointed love, wavers between mysticism and seduction, hiding a secret androgyny.

All three are uncertain identities, portrayed beautifully by both Laisné and Chaignaud through an exciting mix of musical and choreographic styles. With the four musicians that accompany Nino Laisné, their re-imagined Orlando becomes an epic who is constantly transforming and searching for an ideal.

There have been a variety of articles devoted to the performance, all highly crediting both Laisné and Chaignaud for their outstanding work and brilliant story telling. Many have described it as "a work of art" and greatly encourage readers to watch the spectacle live if possible.

To see more of his work as well as dates, venues and further information about this project, please visit Nino Laisné’s website below: