Event / 9 Sep 2020

Nida International Photographers' Symposium 2020


The International Photographers' Symposium in Nida is one of the longest-running professional photography events in Lithuania. The first symposium in Nida took place in 1973 and the event has been held annually from then onwards. From the very beginning its goal was to provide a space for photographers, curators and cultural professionals to meet, exchange ideas, create and respond to global trends and contemporary issues. A section of Nida 2020 was given over to the A Woman's Work symposium, with an accompanying portfolio review. The programme included:

Welcome address by David Drake, Ffotogallery

10.00 Jana Kukaine (Latvia). The Muse of the Greenhouse: some insights into the exhibition ( remotely )
11.00 Gintarė Krasuckaitė . Woman's work: between representative images and authentic experiences
12.00 Marge Monko (Estonia). Creative presentation by the artist
13.00 Donata Pizzi (Italy). Why present a collection of female photographers? How effective is this approach?